
A net is an on-the-air gathering of Amateur Radio operators. Nets usually revolve around a specific topic and are held on a regular schedule. Beyond these regular gatherings, nets become crucial during emergencies, providing reliable communication When All Else Fails. During such events, nets may last for days to relay messages and coordinate aid.

Below are the nets that we recommend participating in:

N6IVC Weekly Net

When: Tuesdays at 20:00 Pacific
Where: 446.840- MHz 114.8Hz (LEARN-W6OCS; Santiago Peak)
Format: Just check in! The net is not strict on formalities. It is a place for new hams to overcome being mic-shy and make mistakes.

The below nets are not sponsored by N6IVC. However, we support the effort put into running these nets. We recommend you check them out.

HRCC Digital Voice Net

When: Thursdays at 18:30 Pacific
Where: HRCC Digital Voice Link
Format: You can check in and out or stay around for comments.
More info: and HRCC Discord

PAPA Simplex Net

When: Sundays at 7:00 Pacific
Where: 146.535 MHz in SoCal
Format: Check-in net
More info:

Winlink Wednesday

When: Wednesdays 00:00 - 23:59 Eastern
Where: All Winlink RMS's and affiliated P2P sessions (Telnet excluded)
Format: Please check the weekly reminder for each week's format and P2P sessions.
More info: