Coming Soon: N6IVC VHF Repeater
The IVC Wireless Technology Club utilizes the Law Enforcement Amateur Radio Network (LEARN) located at 5600' on Santiago Peak.
RX Frequency: 446.840 MHz
Offset: -5.000 MHz
PL Tone: 114.8 Hz
We are considered secondary users on LEARN. Please allow primary traffic at all times and be aware of the Corona Police Department CSV Net every Sunday evening.
IVC Simplex Frequency
On campus, we use 431.00 MHz for all our communication. It is often monitored by the IVC Police Department as well as other operators nearby. If you fail to get ahold of anyone on Simplex, you can use LEARN as a calling frequency.
N6IVC DV and VoIP Link
All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome to use the N6IVC Digital Voice and Voice over IP linked system.
Mode | Network | ID/TG |
DMR | Brandmeister | 3205745 |
P25 | N/A | 5500 |
VoIP | AllStar | 61992 |
VoIP | EchoLink | N6IVC-L/28983 |
VoIP | Hamshack Hotline | 94128 |
Please be mindful of timely identification using your callsign on the link.